#27 Limit Tugas dan Harap.
I remember telling a friend that in life, we can't expect to have everything that we wanted to have.
Recently I have a borak borak session with my brother's Mother in Law whom I call Mummy. We both are Aquarians (based on birthdates) and somehow we share similar ways of thinking. We think simple. We don't focus on pleasing people. We are brutal honesty. Hehe.
She once told me that in life we should know the boarder line between our job and Allah's job. I believe that all these while, I have that simple thinking less serabut thinking because I believe in doing what should be done by myself and that is it. The rest, just leave it to Allah.
Because we must know that Allah swt may not gives you everything that you want. But He will surely gives you what YOU NEED. Kan?
Dan Mummy punya analogy which I love so much is macam ni:
Hidup ni macam kita tulis atas satu kertas segala wish-list kita. Senaraikan lah dan wish-list kita, kita submit kepada Allah.
Tu je tugas kita.
Whether Allah swt perkenan ke tidak ke, perkenankan 10 daripada 100 wish dalam senarai ke, atau perkenankan 90 daripada 100 wish dalam senarai ke, itu semua kerja Allah. Kita tak mampu dictate what or how the results should be.
Best kan?
Kalau kita semua faham limitation kita untuk tak go overboard sampai ke territory kerja Allah pun kita nak singgah, insyaAllah kita lebih lapang dada dan hati tenang.
Jangan putus asa.
Doalah selagi ada nilai faham dan yakin dalam kepala dan hati bahawa:
'Never ever underestimate the power of do'a'.
You may not get everything what you want. But definitely Allah swt loves to hear all your appeals before Him.
Harap bukan mati di bibir.
Harap itu sandaran kepada Tuhan. Letak duduknya di hati.
Senyum sikit.